
Upcoming Concerts
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November 8, 2024

Wayman Chin, piano.

Longy School of Music, Cambridge, MA

August 30, 2024
Grey Gardens (NY premiere) and Cliff Walk (NY premiere).

Ruoting Li and Scott Wheeler, piano

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July 12, 2024
Water Scenes, Quartet #2.

Concerts on the Slope, New York.

May 15, 2024
Flow Chart.

Tim Flores, Groton Hill Music Center

Groton, MA

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May 11, 2024
Groupmuse concert, including The Singing Turk.

Sharan Leventhal and Scott Wheeler.

Also Life Study and Arietta by Scott Wheeler, and Mozart’s sonata for piano and violin in E minor.

April 13, 2024

Laura Strickling, Michael Brofman.

Brooklyn Art Song Society, Brooklyn, NY

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April 7, 2024

Clare Longendyke, piano.

Spectrum NYC

September 2, 2023
Here & Now Festival

Bargemusic, Brooklyn

Portrait Gallery, NY premiere

Nanci Belmont, bassoon; Scott Wheeler, piano.

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September 16, 2023
The 2023 Minnie Untermyer Concert Series

Isabella Letters, Mirror Visions Ensemble.

Untermeyer Garden Conservatory

Yonkers, New York

October 8, 2023
Fantasy on The Ballad of Sweeney Todd (Sondheim).

Maxim Lando, Cleveland Museum of Art

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October 10 – 11, 2023
Fantasy on “The Ballad of Sweeney Todd” (Sondheim)

Maxim Lando, Death of Classical New York

October 16, 2023
Songs of Food and Hunger

Songs for voice and piano (World Premiere)

Kristina Bachrach & Laura Strickling, vocalists;

Scott Wheeler, composer &  piano.

Guarneri Hall, Chicago, IL

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October 28, 2023

Alexa Rosenberg, mezzo soprano; Scott Wheeler, piano.

Marshall Opera

Cell Theater, New York

October 31, 2023
Isolation Rag.

Gil Shaham, violin; Scott Wheeler

Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall, Tokyo

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November 3, 2023
Isolation Rag.

Gil Shaham, violin; Scott Wheeler

Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall, Tokyo

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November 17, 2023
Isolation Rag.

Gil Shaham, violin; Scott Wheeler

92nd St Y, New York NY

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